
Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Aplikasi Login Form Sederhana Tanpa Database dengan PHP

Untuk postingan kali ini, kita akan belajar untuk membuat aplikasi form login sederhana menggunakan PHP. Login form ini tidak menggunakan database. Password dan username langsung dimasukkan ke dalam kode program..
Spesifikasi untuk login form ini adalah:

>> Terdapat scripting JavaScript untuk validasi awal (field tidak boleh kosong, masukan id dan password harus huruf).
>> Jika field kosong dan langsung di-submit, kembalikan fokus kursor ke field pertama (id)
>> Ada validasi sisi server (dari PHP) untuk memastikan bahwa nilai
field adalah string.
>> Jika nilai id dan password sesuai dengan pre-defined value di variabel, munculkan pesan selamat datang dan cetak nilai id. Sebaliknya, jika tidak sesuai, tampilkan pesan kegagalan.

Ok..script yang harus dimasukkan adalah:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">



<title>Login Form by_Rinda</title>


<body background="image.JPG" onLoad="document.form1.user.focus();">

<form name="form1" method="post" action="login.php">
<div width="400" height="400">


<div align="center"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="5"><strong><br>User Name :</strong>


<font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="5"><input type="text" name="user" size="35" value="" style="background-color:#FFFFFF">



<strong color="#FFFFF">Password : </strong>


<input type="password" name="pass" size="35" style="background-color:#FFFFFF">






<div align="center">

<input type="submit" name="submit" value=" L O G I N " onClick="check()">


<div id="footer" align="left"><br>



<script type="text/javascript">

function error1()
alert('Masukkan User Name dan Password Terlebih Dahulu ');

function check()
if(form1.pass.value == "" || form1.user.value=="")



Simpan kode program di atas dengan nama login.html

Kemudian buat kode program phpnya:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">


<title>Form Administrator</title>




if(($_POST['user']=='rinda') AND ($_POST['pass']=='rinda')) {

echo '<br><br><center>Selamat Datang di Halaman ini USER ' . $_POST['user'];


else {

echo "<br><br><br><body text='red'><strong><center>INVALID LOGIN<br><br><a href='login.html'><h4>Kembali ke Login</h4></a></center></strong></body>";





Simpan kodenya dengan nama login.php
Setelah itu jalankan aplikasi login form ini melalui local host yang sudah diaktifkan..
Tampilan aplikasi login form sederhana tanpa database seperti pada gambar berikut:

Untuk aplikasi login di atas, username yang digunakan adalah rinda dengan password rinda
Selamat belajar :-)

Without A Word

Without A Word

I shouldn’t have done that
I should have just ignored it
Like something I couldn’t see
Like something I can’t see

I shouldn’t have looked at you at all
I should have run away
I should have acted like I didn’t hear it

Like something I couldn’t hear
Like something I can’t hear
I shouldn’t have listened to love at all

Without a word you let me know love
Without a word you gave me love
You made me even hold of your breath but you ran away like this
Without a word love leaves me
Without a word love tosses me away
What should I say next ?

My closed lips were surprised on their own
Coming without any words
Why does it hurt so much ?
Why does it hurt continuously ?
Except for the fact that I can’t see you anymore

And that you are not here any more
Otherwise it is the same as before
Without a word you let me know love
Without a word you gave me love

You made me even hold of your breath but you ran away like this
Without a word love leaves me
Without a word love tosses me away
What should I say next ?
My closed lips were surprised on their own

Without a word tears fall
Without a word my heart breaks down
Without a word I wait for love
Without a word I hurt because of love

I zone out, I become a fool because I cry looking at the sky
Without a word farewell finds me
Without a word the end comes to me

I think my heart was surprised to send you away without any preparation
It came without a word
Without a word it comes and leaves
Like the fever before, maybe all I need to do it hurt for a while
Because in the end, only scars are left

Ps: Without A Word..salah satu liriknya OST You're this banget :-)